Tuesday, August 21, 2012

微波 Sambal Belechan

在加拿大那么多年,我们家对sambal belachan 还是非常的热爱。。平时也很少会做,因为sambal belachan 需要炒,而且那味道很重。。。年初在盈盈的网站看到这microwave version。马上就开工做了。。现在这sambal belachan 是我们家必有的。。我每一次都做双倍,把一半冻在freezer,需要的时候就拿出来用。


10 Shallot -我有一次用onion,味道好像也没有差多少
6 cloves of garlic
6 fresh red chilies or 3 red cor horn chilies
15 dried chilies (or 3-4tbsp chili powder)-我两样都加,但量就减少
1 tbsp Belachan
1 1/2 inches of galangal (or one stick of lemongrass) -我都只用香茅
3 tbsp of oil  (For grinding)
1/3 cup oil for cooking

1 tbsp Tamarind paste or 2 tbsp of lime/lemon juice
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt

1.  Grind together all ingredients list under ingredients with 3 tbsp of oil and 1/4 cup of water.
2.  Pour the paste into a microwavable pot/container, cover with lid and microwave for 5 minutes, take it out and stir well.
3.  Do the same process for another 3 minutes, and pour in 1/3 cup of oil, stir well, microwave again for 3 minutes, stir, and add another three minutes until oil separated at the edge.
4. keep repeating until you get the consistency you want. I took 3-4 repeating steps to get the consistency I want. The  time could be adjusted according to your microwave wattage.
5.Add tamarind paste, sugar and salt for seasoning, stir well and microwave another 3 minutes.
6. Let cold before storing in jar.

这sambal belachan有很多的用途,我也拿来炒kangkong。热油爆香蒜米和虾米,加sambal belachan,加kangkong用大火快炒,加虾,加点盐和糖调味即可。

还试过弄sambal hamburger,老公说味道太棒了。。面包涂牛油煎一煎,煎个鸡蛋,ham,加点生菜或黄瓜,涂上sambal即可。很不一般的hamburger 哦。。
当然配红烧肉吃,味道也是一级棒。。反正我们家如有炒面,炒米粉或炒饭,老公也会要求自添sambal belachan。

这sambal belachan 真的很棒,谢谢盈盈不私的分享。。


  1. 我最喜欢那叠kangkong! 这里卖kangkong 蛮贵的。 那个sambal hamburger 好厉害啊! 你去那里买belacan? 越南店?

  2. 我用的是belacan粉,马来西亚带来的。。这里的越南/泰国店有卖的,块状的。



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